6 Jenis Wanita Yang Lelaki Perlu Elakkan Kalau Tidak Mahu Menyesal

6 Jenis Wanita Yang Lelaki Perlu Elakkan Kalau Tidak Mahu Menyesal

Memilih bakal pasangan hidup tidaklah terlalu susah dan tidak juga terlalu mudah. Pasti ada pelbagai tips yang mudah diperoleh daripada pelbagai sumber. Kali ini, kami akan kongsikan dengan anda tips untuk tidak memilih wanita yang mempunyai sikap-sikap begini. Ini merupakan pesanan daripada Imam Al-Ghazali buat para lelaki.

Suka Mengeluh

Wanita yang terlalu suka mengeluh akan berpotensi untuk menceritakan masalah yang dihadapinya pada orang ramai, sama ada melalui media sosial atau orang yang dijumpainya. Mereka tidak fokus untuk menyelesaikan masalah, malah mengundang keretakan hubungan dengan pelbagai pihak. Ini adalah sikap yang amat bahaya dan mengundang kehidupan yang tidak aman ketika bersama.

Suka Mengungkit

Wanita seperti ini akan mengungkit segala pertolongan dan kebaikan yang pernah dibuatnya pada pasangan atau dalam perhubungan. Sikap ini juga mungkin membawa kepada tindakan merendah-rendahkan pasangan kerana tidak menghargai kebaikannya. Lebih teruk lagi jika suami tersebut lebih rendah pangkat, kewangan atau pendidikan mungkin bakal menjatuhkan maruahnya dan akhir sekali membawa kepada keretakan rumahtangga.

Suka Membanding-Bandingkan

Wanita seperti ini suka membanding-bandingkan pasangan dengan individu lain dan sibuk menceritakan kelebihan lelaki lain pada suaminya. Sama ada bekas suami, bekas tunang, bekas kekasih, atau ahli keluarganya sendiri. Bukan sekadar memuji sahaja, malah ia mengundang konflik apabila kelebihan yang diceritakan merupakan kekurangan suami yang sengaja dibandingkan.


Wanita seperti ini memiliki keinginan untuk berbelanja besar kepada perkara yang sia-sia. Mereka sibuk berbelanja dan menghabiskan duit tanpa memikirkan keperluan masa hadapan dan keluarga, yang penting keinginan besarnya untuk berbelanja tercapai. Sikap ini sangat bahaya tidak kira suami mampu atau tidak, kerana daripada berkemampuan manusia boleh menjadi sebaliknya jika terlalu boros dan tidak mengikut saranan agama agar bersederhana.

Berhias Berlebihan

Berhias bagi wanita adalah untuk suami, bukan untuk pameran lelaki lain. Namun, jika wanita gagal mengawalnya dan suka berhias secara berlebihan ia bukan sahaja mengundang fitnah malah membazirkan duit kepada perkara yang tidak sepatutnya. Akhir sekali, pelbagai masalah muncul apabila perhiasan diri telah menarik lelaki lain untuk mendekatinya.

Suka Menegur

Sikap suka menegur pada setiap perkara yang dilihat tidak sesuai pada pandangan matanya ini hampir sama dengan ‘suka berleter’, namun ia lebih keterlaluan. Hinggakan setiap perkara yang terlintas di mata, setiap tindakan suami, setiap perbuatan orang lain semuanya dikritik dan dilihat dari sudut pandang yang negatif.

Semoga pesanan daripada Imam Al-Ghazali tentang 6 jenis wanita ini dapat kita ambil sebagai iktibar. Buat para wanita, kita belajar untuk memperbaiki diri dan menjauhi sikap begini dan buat para lelaki pilihlah wanita yang sesuai dengan saranan Al-Quran untuk dijadikan suri dalam hidup anda.

5 Ciri-Ciri ini Petanda Hubungan Umpama Retak Menanti Belah

Dalam sesebuah perhubungan pasti ada pasang surutnya. Dan perlu diketahui, tidak semua perhubungan boleh bertahan lama dan kekal. Kadang-kadang, ada hubungan yang perlu diakhiri demi kebahagiaan dan kebaikan bersama. Lagi-lagi bila melibatkan kenyamanan masing-masing, memang perpisahan adalah langkah terakhir yang perlu diambil dalam sesebuah perhubungan.

Ada beberapa tanda bahawa si dia ingin berpisah denganmu. Kalau anda mengalami tanda-tanda seperti ini, ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk anda dan pasangan membincangkan kembali secara serius mengenai hubungan kalian.

Tanda-tanda si dia ingin berpisah denganmu :

Enggan bercakap tentang masalah

Jika si dia selalu cuba menghindari konflik atau berdepan dengan sesuatu masalah ini adalah salah satu petanda si dia ingin berpisah denganmu. Ini menunjukkan si dia tidak lagi peduli tentang apa yang berlaku dalam hubungan kalian dan merasakan anda tidak lagi penting baginya.

Dia selalu menyalahkanmu dalam semua keadaan

Setiap masalah yang berlaku dalam hubungan kalian si dia pasti akan menyalahkan anda, Apa sahaja yang anda lakukan semuanya salah dan serba tidak kena pada si dia. Si dia juga tidak pernah “refleksi” diri atas semua yang dia lakukan pada anda.

Bergaduh mengenai perkara kecil

Bila dah tak suka dan sudah tidak lagi sayang, sekecil-kecil perkara pun boleh mengundang pergaduhan. Sekiranya perkara ini sering berlaku, si dia sebenarnya sedang mencabar kesabaran anda dan berharap ia menjadi punca perpisahan.

Cerita perihal buruk anda kepada orang lain

Kisah peribadi dalam perhubungan sepatutnya menjadi rahsia antara anda dan pasangan tapi jika si dia mula membuka mulut bercerita hal peribadi kepada orang lain itu menandakan si dia sudah tidak peduli mengenai anda serta mengenai maruah, aib dan harga diri anda.

Sering melihat kekurangan anda

Jika sebelum ini si dia sering melihat kelebihan anda namun kini dia sering melihat kekurangan anda, itu adalah petanda bahawa perasaan si dia pada sudah semakin pudar dan menghilang.

Jarang menghabiskan waktu bersama anda

Si dia selalu menjauhi dan makin jarang ingin menghabiskan waktu bersama, Bahkan, si dia selalu mencari alasan untuk menjauh dan menghabiskan waktu dengan dirinya sendiri. Anda bukan lagi keutamaan dalam kesehariannya.

Jika anda melihat ada tanda-tanda ini dalam hubungan anda dan pasangan, cuba untuk luangkan waktu dan bincangkan bersama mengenai hubungan kalian. Semoga ada jalan keluar untuk kalian. Jika si dia masih sayang dan ingin bersamamu, pasti akan sinar buat kalian!

Ketahui 5 Ciri-Ciri Pasangan Anda Sedang Menipu Anda

Perasaan was-was terhadap pasangan sememangnya akan ada. Lagi-lagi bila si dia berubah secara tiba-tiba.

Ketahui 5 Ciri-Ciri Pasangan Anda Sedang Menipu Anda

Tahukah anda, walaupun kita tak boleh nak tengok atau nampak muka seseorang melalui mesej di whatsapp, facebook dan lain lain medium chat namun akan ada tanda-tanda bahawa seseorang itu menipu yang boleh anda kenal pasti.

Menipu melalui telefon juga lebih mudah berbanding menipu secara bersemuka.

Jom semak tanda-tanda pasangan anda sedang menipu anda!

Tukar topik perbualan

Bila si dia sedang menipu anda, si dia pasti akan menukar arah topik yang sedang dibualkan. Bila mana kita cuba menangkap bahawa dia sedang menipu, dia pasti akan melenting dan memarahi anda. Si dia juga akan cuba mengelak soalan yang diberikan agar tidak kantoi.

Tiba-tiba diam

Jika pasangan anda tiba-tiba diam, walhal dia adalah seseorang yang banyak bercakap percayalah pasti ada sesuatu yang tidak kena. Boleh jadi dia diam kerana menyembunyikan sesuatu daripada pengetahuan anda. Tanda ini akan lebih jelas kelihatan apabila anda sedang ada konflik dengannya dan dia tidak memberikan sebarang respons apabila disoal siasat.

Mereka cerita

Macam mana nak tahu si dia sedang mereka cerita? Bila seseorang tu cuba untuk mereka-reka cerita dia pasti akan tersasul di setiap perbualan. Kesan ini terjadi akibat minda sedang sibuk bekerja keras dan sibuk berfikir untuk putar belit cerita sampai kadang-kadang si dia tidak perasan bahawa apa yang diceritakannya tidak masuk akal. Jika banyak kali terjadi dalam setiap perbualan, itu tandanya si dia sedang menipu anda.

Cuba menamatkan perbualan secepat yang mungkin

Si dia pasti akan cuba menamatkan perbualan secepat mungkin terutama bila diserang dengan soalan bertubi-tubi dan soalan-soalan cepumas. Jika dia berikan jawapan sekalipun, jawapan yang diberikan sangat ringkas dan tidak menjawab persoalan yang diberikan. Perbualan pasti akan tergantung dan si dia membiarkan kita begitu sahaja.

Jika anda berdepan dengan situasi seperti ini, adalah lebih baik sekiranya anda bersemuka untuk melihat reaksi wajahnya.

Perubahan intonasi suara

Kebiasaannya, bila sudah lama berhubungan pasti anda sendiri sudah mengenal pasti intonasi suara pasangan anda. Jika sebelum ini si dia merupakan seseorang yang tenang dan bercakap dengan lemah-lembut namun secara tiba-tiba dia menggunakan intonasi kasar dan meninggikan suara pasti ada sesuatu yang ingin disembunyikan. Paling ketara dan jelas kelihatan apabila intonasi suara pasangan kita menjadi bergetar.

Jika anda berhadapan dengan situasi seperti ini, cepat-cepat bersemuka dan berbincang dengan pasangan anda.

15 Tip Rumah Tangga Bahagia dan Bertahan Lama Dalam Islam

15 Tip Rumah Tangga Bahagia dan Bertahan Lama Dalam Islam – Menjadi impian setiap pasangan yang berkahwin untuk mempunyai rumah tangga yang bahagia dan stabil. Kami ingin kongsi beberapa petua supaya kebahagiaan rumah tangga kekal lama.

1. Perhatian

Memberikan perhatian kepada pasangan adalah petua untuk merapatkan perhubungan.

Rasa lebih intim selain tidak terasa terabai.

2. Puji

Lazimkan pujian antara suami dan isteri. Pujian adalah satu cara penghargaan dan membuatkan diri rasa gembira. Menghargai perbuatan seperti menolong mengemas rumah dan memasak. Memuji cantiknya isteri atau kacaknya suami.

3. Peluk

Hormon oxytocin yang juga dikenali sebagai “cuddle-hormone” dirembeskan di otak ketika memeluk. Pelukan memberikan rasa adanya perhubungan dan kepercayaan kepada pasangan.

4. Kejutan

Kejutan yang positif boleh menggantikan masa yang kelam atau menceriakan suasana. Memberikan surprise kepada pasangan adalah cara menunjukkan intimasi dan sayang. Ia juga adalah satu bentuk perhatian kepada pasangan.

5. Percutian

Makan angin juga adalah cara untuk keluar dari rutin harian untuk detox. Bersiar-siar membolehkan kita mencipta memori bahagia yang baru.

6. Romantik

Antara cara yang romantik adalah melafazkan rasa cinta pada pasangan atau memanggil pasangan dengan gelaran yang manja.

7. Jenaka (sense of humour)

Berjenaka boleh memberikan pengaruh yang positif dalam perhubungan. Kekadang boleh digunakan semasa menyelesaikan konflik perhubungan, supaya emosi tidak terlalu negatif. Ketika konflik, kesefahaman boleh dicapai dengan cepat jika kedua-dua pihak mengalami emosi yang positif.

8. Rezeki yang halal

Kepentingan memberikan rezeki yang halal pada ahli keluarga adalah memperoleh keberkatan dari Allah S.W.T. Antara bentuk keberkatan adalah rasa cukup dengan rezeki yang ada sehingga tidak merasa berat untuk bersedekah. Rezeki boleh datang dari pintu yang tidak disangka-sangka. Selain rasa mudahnya mengharungi ujian dalam rumah tangga.

9. Perancangan kewangan

Failure to plan, is planning for failure. Berbincang dan rancang kewangan bersama-sama pasangan dan sentiasalah berdoa untuk ditambahkan rezeki.

Amalkan doa solat dhuha

“Ya Allah jika rezeki-ku di langit turunkanlah, kalau rezeki-ku di bumi keluarkanlah, jika rezeki-ku sulit permudahkanlah, jika rezeki-ku yang haram, bersihkanlah.”

10. Solat berjemaah

Sama ada sembahyang berjemaah di rumah atau bersama-sama ke surau atau masjid.

Jika dijaga hubungan dengan Allah, maka hubungan antara manusia (ahli keluarga) pasti terjaga. Kebahagiaan rumah tangga adalah satu kejayaan dalam alam perkahwinan.

“Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman. Iaitu mereka yang khusyuk dalam sembahyangnya;”

[Surah Al-Mu’minun: 1-2]

11. Mengurus emosi dan mengawal tekanan

Meluahkan perasaan pada cara yang betul. Berbanyakkanlah berzikir, menjaga solat dan beriman kepada qada’ dan qadar.

“Tidak ada kesusahan (atau bala bencana) yang menimpa (seseorang) melainkan dengan izin Allah; dan sesiapa yang beriman kepada Allah, Allah akan memimpin hatinya (untuk menerima apa yang telah berlaku itu dengan tenang dan sabar); dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Mengetahui akan tiap-tiap sesuatu.”

[al-Taghabun: 11]

12. Hiasi rumah tangga dengan al-Quran

Mulakan dengan diri sendiri untuk mendekati al-Quran. Isteri akan mengikuti suami.

Anak-anak akan mengikuti ibu dan ayah.

13. Selalu bersama

Perbanyakkan bonding time. Contoh makan dan minum semeja. Berkongsi cawan ketika minum.

14. Berbaik dengan mentua

Belajar mengenali mentua, bertolak ansur, memberikan hadiah atau boleh bercuti bersama. Restu ibu ayah adalah penting untuk mendapatkan keredhaan dari Allah.

15. Memohon.

Sentiasa berdoa dari al-Wahab (Yang Maha Pemberi).

“Wahai Tuhan kami, berilah kami beroleh dari isteri-isteri dan zuriat keturunan kami: perkara-perkara yang menyukakan hati melihatnya, dan jadikanlah kami imam ikutan bagi orang-orang yang (mahu) bertaqwa.”

[Surah al-Furqan ayat 74]

“Wahai Tuhan kami, kurniakanlah kami rahmat dari sisi-Mu, dan berilah kemudahan-kemudahan serta pimpinan kepada kami untuk keselamatan agama kami.” [Surah Al-Kahfi: 10]

5 Tip nak get back dengan bekas kekasih

5 Tip nak get back dengan bekas kekasih – Ramai yang kata, kalau dah putus jangan “getback” dengan ex semula. Kalau kembali dengan bekas pasangan ibarat kita baca buku yang sama. Betul ke semua tu?

Kadang-kadang, berikan peluang kedua pada bekas pasangan adalah pilihan yang terbaik. Ini kerana kedua-dua belah pihak boleh memperbaiki segala kekurangan dan kesilapan masing-masing.

Tapi, untuk mendapatkan peluang kedua amatlah tidak mudah. Jadi, bagaimana caranya untuk kita tawan semula hati bekas pasangan kita? Jom baca artikel ni sampai habis!

Fikir masak-masak keputusan anda

Sebelum anda memutuskan untuk menambat kembali hati bekas pasangan, pastikan anda dah fikir masak-masak sama ada keputusan yang anda ambil ini betul atau tidak. Anda juga perlu memikirkan sama ada berbaloi atau tidak untuk meneruskan kembali hubungan bersama si dia.

Sekiranya dia seorang yang mempunyai banyak “red flag” adalah lebih baik sekiranya anda meninggalkan terus si dia.


Selain daripada fikirkan secara matang dan masak-masak, pastikan anda juga menyiasat sama ada bekas pasangan sudah mempunyai pasangan yang baru atau belum. Sekiranya dia sudah mempunyai pasangan yang baru, adalah lebih baik jika anda melupakan hasrat untuk kembali menambat hatinya.

Tetapi, sekiranya bekas pasangan anda masih bujang dan merasakan hal yang sama seperti anda maka tidak salah untuk anda meneruskan hubungan yang telah terputus di tengah jalan itu.

Ambil sedikit masa untuk berbincang secara rasional, matang dan serius. Andai ada kesilapan yang anda lakukan, minta maaf dengan segera. Bincang dengan tenang. Slowly. Jika dia memang jodoh anda, insyaALLAH tidak kemana.

Tukar cara dan gaya bercinta

Fikir dalam-dalam dimana salahnya dan kurangnya anda dan bekas pasangan dalam hubungan lalu. Perbaiki segala kekurangan dan kelemahan anda dan bekas pasangan. Cari dan buat sesuatu yang baru untuk memeriahkan hubungan yang sekarang. Jangan ulang perangai dan kesalahan yang sama jika tidak ingin pisang berbuah dua kali.

Jaga kelakuan dan kata-kata

Mungkin dalam hubungan lalu ada kata-kata atau kelakuan yang menyebabkan bekas pasangan anda terluka. Jadi, jika anda ingin menambat hatinya kembali, elakkan daripada melakukan perkara yang boleh menyakitkan hati bekas pasangan anda serta jaga kata-kata anda.

Banyakkan berdoa

Setelah semua usaha telah anda lakukan, maka perbanyakkan berdoa. Sesungguhnya, hati manusia ALLAH S.W.T. yang pegang. Doa moga-moga kalian dijodohkan kembali.

Kesimpulannya, bukan senang untuk berikan peluang kedua. Jadi, andai anda menerima peluang kedua maka hargai dan jagalah ia sebaik mungkin. Namun, jika anda yang memberi peluang kedua jangan lupa untuk fikir secara matang sebelum melakukan keputusan.

Moga-moga perkongsian ini bermanfaat buat semua.

Dexys Biography

Kevin Rowland tells friend and guitarist Kevin Archer: “I’m going to do what I really want to do: form a great group. We’ll wear great clothes and make soulful music.”

July: With new songs, including the call-to-arms Tell Me When My Light Turns Green, Rowland and Archer settle on a team of musicians to realise this vision: Pete Williams (bass), John Jay (drums), Pete Saunders (Hammond organ), Geoff Blythe (tenor sax), Steve Spooner (alto sax) and Big Jim Paterson (trombone).

Late Summer: Named Dexys Midnight Runners, the group embarks on a rigorous rehearsal and writing schedule, sometimes breaking into empty warehouse premises to practice. Dexys insisted on existing outside of musical genres and remaining completely separate from all other local bands.

November: After months of daily 9am-6pm rehearsals, Dexys Midnight Runners are launched on the UK live circuit. Quickly acquiring a reputation for incendiary performances, the set includes covers Hold On, I’m Coming and One Way Love, as well as originals such as Burn It Down and I Couldn’t Help It If I Tried.


Spring: A residency in the foyer of the Imperial Hotel {Uncle Sams} in Birmingham builds attention. Among the attendees is Jerry Dammers, whose group The Specials are making waves. More gigs are booked by local promoter Dave Cork, who has worked with The Clash and co-promoted the Sex Pistols’ Anarchy tour of 1976.

Summer: Dammers’ invites Dexys to support The Specials at Manchester’s The Factory.
Dexys oblige. At another gig, at Birmingham’s Romulus club, Dexys’ support is Joy Division.

Autumn: Rejecting an offer from Dammers to record for his new 2-Tone label. Dexys liked The Specials, but didn’t want to be them}, the band signed a deal with Oddball Records, run by former manager of The Clash Bernard Rhodes Oddballs parent company is EMI. John Jay is replaced on drums by Bobby Ward, a former member of Subway Sect.

November: Supporting The Specials on tour, the “Mean StreetsOn the WaterfrontNew York Stevedore” look is adopted, with group members in utilitarian American clothing, woolly hats and carrying David Jansen “The Fugitive” style bags.

December: Debut single Dance Stance/I’m Just Looking is released, the A-side a commentary on anti-Irish sentiment. Rhodes has interfered with the production, muddying the sound. Dexys sign direct to EMI. Andy Leek and Andy Growcott replace Pete Saunders and Bobby Ward on keyboards and drums respectively.


January 19: Dance Stance enters the UK singles chart where it spends six weeks and peaks at number 40. Dexys embark on 38 date Straight To The Heart nationwide tour.

February 9: Dexys appear on Top Of The Pops for the first time, performing Dance Stance.

February 26: Dexys record a session for BBC Radio One.

March 22: Geno/Breakin’ Down The Walls Of Heartache on EMI backed imprint late Night Feelings enters the chart where it spends 14 weeks and peaks at number 1. Rowland’s tribute to his early experiences of witnessing North West London “Peanuts” and a live performance by US soul singer Geno Washington is also acclaimed in the music press.

April: Pete Saunders returns to replace the departed Andy Leek and the group record tracks for their debut album.

June: Dexys embark on their sell-out UK tour, under the Intense Emotions Review banner, support includes comedian Keith Allen.

July 12: There There My Dear/The Horse enters the chart where it spends nine weeks and peaks at number 7. On release, the album is positively received and reaches number 6 in the UK album chart. Searching For The Young Soul Rebels starts with Burn It Down, a re-recording of debut single Dance Stance.

August: Dexys appear in the US for the first time with performance at NYC downtown club Hurrah. Later in the month, with Mick Talbot on keyboards, they start a lengthy tour of continental Europe.

October: Keep It Part Two/One Way Love released despite complaints from EMI that the A-side is uncommercial.

November: The line-up splinters with the majority of members forming new group The Bureau. Initially working with Archer, who decides after a few weeks to follow his own musical path and forms The Blue Ox Babes, Rowland and Paterson recruit new members to Dexys: Billy Adams (guitar), Micky Billingham (keyboards), Brian Maurice (alto sax), Seb Shelton (drums),
Paul Speare (tenor sax) and Steve Wynne (bass).

The new line-up performs Geno on Top Of The Pops Christmas special.


March 21: Plan B/Soul Finger is released on Parlophone and enters the chart where it spends two weeks and peaks at number 58.

April: Dexys leaves EMI and Rowland develops a new image to match the lifestyle of the new line-up, who are, to varying degrees, dedicated to fitness, clean-living and rigour. Aided by NAME Rowland creates a look which foreshadows foreseeing the 80s fitness fad with boxer boots, wrist and head-bands, singlets, plain white t-shirts and designer sweatpants. These are combined with tiny ponytails inspired by those worn by 18th century sailors and hooded jackets loosely derived by boating jackets as worn by Liverpudlian casuals.

Five dates of The Projected Passion Review are performed including a London show recorded by the BBC.

June: Dexys sign with Phonogram’s Mercury label and undertake a two-week tour of Europe.

July 9. Dexys record another session for Radio One.

July 11: Show Me/Soon, produced by Tony Visconti, enters the chart where it spends nine weeks and peaks at number 16.

October: Liars A To E/And Yes We Remain the Wildhearted Outsiders released by Mercury with a string section and new member Giorgio Kilkenny – who has replaced Steve Wynne – on bass.

November 13-15: The Projected Passion Review arrives at London’s Old Vic for three nights now recognised as among popular music’s greatest live events. Included in the shows are such new compositions as Let’s Make This Precious and Until I Believe In My Soul.


March 20: The Celtic Soul Brothers/Love Part Two enters the chart, where it spends four weeks and reaches number 45. The single unveils a new direction. The brass section is augmented by The Emerald Express: Helen Bevington (who performs with the surname O’Hara), Steve Brennan and Roger McDuff on violins. The sound was inspired by Kevin Archers’ Blue Ox Babes.

The group now sports Romany style: curls and stubble, dungarees and gypsy scarves, sandals and pumps, coalman’s jerkins and berets and all manner of headgear.

Jim Paterson and Brian Maurice leave the group, though both temporarily continue to record with the band on a session basis.

Spring: Dexys embarks on recording a new album with producers Clive Langer and Alan Winstanley.

June 6: Dexys perform in Newcastle for Radio One Live In Concert. With recording complete, Paul Speare and Micky Billingham leave the group. They were fed up of struggling.

July 3: Come On Eileen/Dubious/(Liars A To E New Version on 12”) enters the chart where its spends 17 weeks, four of them at number 1. The accompanying video is directed by Julien Temple. Giorgio Killkenny leaves the group. Mickey Billingham returns on a session basis.

July 4. Another session for Radio One is recorded with saxophonist Nick Gatfield and trombonist Mark Walters.

August: Album Too-Rye-Ay is released as the group’s popularity once again goes into overdrive. It reaches number 2 in the UK and sells well around the world, eventually reaching number 14 in the US album chart.

September: Dexys undertakes The Bridge tour of the UK, with Spike Edney (trombone) and Kevin Gilson (saxophone).

October 2: Jackie Wilson Said (I’m In Heaven When You Smile)/Let’s Make This Precious (TSOP on 12”), enters the chart where it stays seven weeks, peaking at number 5. TV performances include alternative comedy show The Young Ones and Top Of The Pops (in front of a giant photograph of popular darts player Jocky Wilson). Later in the month there are more dates in continental Europe.

December 4: Let’s Get This Straight From The Start/Old (Respect Live on 12”) enters the UK chart. The A-side is a new song and the single is in the chart for nine weeks, reaching number 17.


January: Dexys tour the US with Bob Noble replacing Billingham on keyboards. Walking down Manhattan’s Madison Avenue to the offices of his US record label, Rowland stops in at collegiate store Brooks Brothers and ponders the Ivy League clothes he had so admired as a teenager.

February: Come On Eileen is best British single in the BRIT Awards.

March 18: Dexys record another Radio One Live in Concert in Liverpool.

April 2: With a reissued A-side, The Celtic Soul Brothers (More Please And Thank You/Reminisce Part One (Show Me Live 1982 on 12”) enters the UK chart, where it stays for six weeks, reaching number 20. In the US Come On Eileen tops the singles charts, displacing Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean. His song Beat It replaces Dexys at number one the following week.

Summer: Returning from a US tour, Rowland, Helen O’Hara and Billy Adams start writing and
demoing a new album.


With input from a number of musicians including former Atomic Rooster keyboard player Vincent Crane, Al Green’s drummer Tim Dancy and saxophonist Nick Gatfield, recording starts on the new album in Switzerland.


February: Mixing begins on the new Dexys album at New York’s Electric Ladyland studios and is finished in the summer of that year, by Pete Schwier..

September: Don’t Stand Me Down is released by Phonogram and reaches number 22 in the UK album chart. The sleeve reveals Dexy’s new Ivy League identity, while the music cleverly mixes conversational dialogue with such tracks as the 12-minute opus This Is What She’s Like, the contemplative Reminisce (Part Two) and the passionate I Love You (Listen To This).

October: Dexys’ Coming To Town {Originally called Park Street South’} tour starts in France before traversing the UK.

November 8: This Is What She’s Like/Marguerita Time (Reminisce Part One on double-7” and 12”) is released as a single, with the A-side a truncated version of the album track.


November 26: Because Of You/Kathleen Mavourneen (Sometimes Theme on 12”) enters the chart, where it reaches number 13 and spends 10 weeks. The A-side is the theme tune to popular BBC1 sitcom Brush Strokes.


Dexys disbands and Rowland pursues a solo path, recording the albums The Wanderer (1988) and My Beauty (1999).


Universal issues The Very Best Of Dexys Midnight Runners, which includes most of the singles to date.


With Billy Adams and Jim Paterson, Kevin Rowland showcases two new Dexys songs – If I Ever and Manhood – on Jonathan Ross’s TV show Saturday Zoo.


Two albums are released comprising BBC recordings – 1980-1982: The Radio One Sessions and BBC Radio One Live In Concert.


As Dexys legacy is reappraised a number of reissues are released. It Was Like This is a retrospective of recordings made by the first incarnation of Dexys and the Creation reissue of Don’t Stand Me Down includes extra tracks Reminisce (Part 1) and a cover of The Way You Look Tonight.


Searching For The Young Soul Rebels is reissued by EMI with the videos for Geno and There There My Dear and sleeve notes by Kevin Archer.


EMI issues Don’t Stand Me Down: The Director’s Cut which achieves the remastered sound Rowland had pursued for the 1996 Creation reissue. This includes extra track Kevin Rowland’s 13th Time and a DVD containing the three short films directed by Jack Hazan: This Is What She’s Like, The Waltz and I Love You (Listen To This) shot to accompany the music in 1985.


Spring: Kevin Rowland assembles a new line-up of Dexys, including original member Pete Williams on vocals, keybvoard-player Mick Talbot, who had been in the first incarnation of Dexys for a brief spell in 1980, and Kokomo guitarist Neil Hubbard.

August: EMI releases to radio, a new track Manhood. The group, with viola-player Lucy Morgan, wear 1930s Parisian suits and smart apparel in a new look created by Mark Powell with Rowland.

September: EMI issues Let’s Make This Precious: The Best Of Dexys Midnight Runners, which includes Manhood and another new track, My Life In England (Part One).

October: Dexys perform Manhood on Top Of The Pops 2.

November: A well received and critically acclaimed national tour includes a triumphant performance at London’s Royal Festival Hall.


BBC Radio Two broadcasts Alexi On Dexys, a documentary presented by comic Alexei Sayle.


Mercury issue The Projected Passion Review, a cobbled together collection of recordings from 1981 including an entire live show from the tour of the same name.

Mercury also issues a double CD deluxe edition of Too Rye Ay.


“We’ll wear great clothes and make soulful music.” That was the promise Kevin Rowland made to the first line-up of Dexys Midnight Runners when he formed the group in 1978.
The pledge held true through Dexys’ audacious and powerful live performances, seven Top Twenty hits (including the Number Ones Geno and Come On Eileen) and the landmark albums Searching For The Young Soul Rebels, Too-Rye-Ay and Don’t Stand Me Down.
And style, soulfulness and emotional honesty remain Dexys’ hallmarks as spring 2012 witnesses the group’s return with stupendous new album One Day I’m Going To Soar and a series of hotly-awaited shows.

With the name streamlined from Dexys Midnight Runners to Dexys, the genesis of the reinvention lies in the period following the group’s acclaimed live performances of 2003. “I’d already been working on some of these songs and started to revamp them five or six years ago, – a few of them had been written with Jim, Paterson a couple alone and the rest with various people” says Rowland. “The plan was to do an album at that time, but it didn’t happen. I’m glad. If it had happened then, it wouldn’t be as good as it is now.”

An important breakthrough was Rowland’s decision to collaborate with keyboard player Mick Talbot; the former Style Council founder had also played on the 2003 dates and briefly been a member of the Dexys’ line-up way back in 1980.

“About four years ago I’d already visualised the album pretty much in the running order its in now, but was struggling to take it forward,” says Rowland. “One day I met a friend who also knows Mick. She mentioned him. Later that day I realised Mick was what I needed: a proper heavyweight collaborator. We arranged to meet for a cuppa and as soon as I saw him I knew it was going to work – he was wearing 40s clothes. That was a sign that we were in tune.”

With Pete Schwier and Rowland, Talbot is the album co-producer. “Mick has given his all to Dexys,” says Rowland. “I’ve been very impressed by his care, attention and commitment.”

As the songs took shape, Rowland gathered together the team of contributors who now constitute Dexys 2012. These include such stalwarts of earlier line-ups as co-writer/horn player Jim Paterson, bass-player and singer Pete Williams and violinist Lucy Morgan (the latter two also participated in the 2003 live dates). It was Lucy who suggested the band use string arranger Ben Trigg for the album.

With a new retro inspired look, the group’s dynamic has been upped by the presence of actress/singer Madeleine Hyland as co-vocalist on dialogue-driven duets such as I’m Always Going To Love You and Incapable Of Love.

“I was looking for the right person for those songs for years,” says Rowland, who scoured London’s Burlesque scene and retro clubs. It felt like the search for Scarlett O Hara in Gone With The Wind. “I tried out loads; some were great vocalists but weren’t convincing on the speaking parts, and vice versa. Then I met Maddy at Brick Lane Art Car Boot Fair last year; we were introduced by my friend Phil Dirtbox, who mentioned she was a singer. I thought Maddy looked right and asked her to try out some demos at my place, recording her on my iPhone. She nailed it”

One Day I’m Going To Soar was made over a period of months at The Premises in Rowland’s east London neighbourhood.

“I liked the fact it was walking distance from where I live,” he said. “That way there wasn’t the hassle of going into a huge studio where the expectations are massive before you even start. I wanted to keep everything relaxed.”

After intensive pre-production (“we’d take the songs apart and put them back together again”) the album was recorded two tracks at a time. “In my experience that’s the best way to avoid a record sounding like the result of a production line, you stop the music being linear,” says Rowland.

“Before we went in each time, we were meticulous in our preparation – ironing out the details. By making sure we were absolutely prepared, we could be more spontaneous and in the actual process. And also, because I was co producing, I wanted to get the bands music out of the way, so that when it came to recording, I’d be able to concentrate more on my singing.

Rowland adopted certain method acting techniques to enhance his performance, taking photographs of the songs subjects, or artefacts that would help him access the relevant emotion, while he, Talbot and Williams – all natty dressers – competed with each other in wearing stylish clothes.

“Everyone was dressed interestingly; it made us all step up,” says Rowland, who understands like few others the importance of visuals in popular music.

The association with highly respected fashion photographer Chiko Ohayon is particularly interesting. Rowland was introduced to Ohayon at the retro club-night Lady Luck by DJ El Nino.

“Chiko’s on the scene and dresses very well himself, so he totally gets it,” says Rowland. “The shoot and all the pre production, was enlightening. Chiko is a real artist and he taught me one or two general creative principles. He was perfect for the album cover. And he just seemed to turn up at exactly the right time, as has been the case with just about everyone associated with this album”

Ohayon’s cover image communicates the sophistication, style and substance of One Day I’m Going To Soar with ease.

Decades after Rowland’s original pronouncement, Dexys are still wearing great clothes and producing soulful music without peer.

Dexys News – Dexys – Back in Rehearsals

Dexys News - Dexys – Back in Rehearsals

Dexys are back rehearsing for their forthcoming run of performances at the Duke of York’s Theatre in London’s West End.

Dexys are back rehearsing for their forthcoming run of performances at the Duke of York’s Theatre in London’s West End. The band have re-grouped this week to work on their ‘One Day I’m Going To Soar’ show, in which the album will be played in its entirety, in sequence, in the Dexys style, followed by a few favourites.

The full Dexys lineup will be;

Kevin Rowland
Jim Paterson
Pete Williams
Lucy Morgan
Tim Cansfield
Madeleine Hyland
Sean Read
Dave Ruffy
Andy Hobson
Mike Timothy

Dexys News - Dexys – Back in Rehearsals

The dates for the shows at the Duke of York’s Theatre are;

Apr 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th & 27th

Tickets are available from; www.atgtickets.com/shows/dexys/duke-of-yorks/

Prior to that Dexys will do three warm up performances of ‘One Day I’m Going To Soar’;

Apr 9th – Apex, Bury St Edmonds
Apr 10th – Komedia, Bath
Apr 13th – Guildhall, Gloucester

Dexys News - Dexys – Back in Rehearsals

The band would like to take the opportunity to thank Mick Talbot for his contribution on the ‘One Day I’m Going To Soar’ album and live shows over the past twelve months and wish him the best of luck with his future plans.

Beyond the West End shows 2013 will be a busy year for Dexys with festival dates planned across the summer, a US release for the ‘One Day I’m Going To Soar’ album and subsequent tour as well as plans for the back catalogue.

Dexys News - Dexys – Back in Rehearsals

Photo Credit Levi Tecofsky.